31Mar 5, 2017
Simple resources to help young people deal with common stressors including exams, relationships. boredom, peer pressure and body image issues, thereby improving their resilience. This Australian website is hosted by Young and Well CRC.
32Mar 5, 2017
Information and evidence-based resources to improve the resilience of children, young people, adults and families. This UK website also offers information about resilience training for health and education professionals.
33Mar 5, 2017
Information about psychosis for young people, families and health professionals. This Canadian website also explains what treatment is available and assists people to find local services.
34Mar 5, 2017
Information and resources to address Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) for young people, families and adults. This UK website also offers resources about Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
35Mar 5, 2017
Information about medicines for common childhood conditions, including mental health problems. This UK website from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has up-to-date information regarding dosage, administration and side-effects of me...
36Mar 5, 2017
Straightforward information about medication for common childhood and adolescent mental health problems. This UK website also provides resources related to conditions such as anxiety, depression and self-harm.
37Mar 5, 2017
Information about infant health and parenting for families and health professionals. This American website has links to key policy documents, position statements and the DC 0-5 diagnostic classification for infant mental health problems.
38Mar 5, 2017
Information and resources to support new mothers, during and after pregnancy. This New Zealand website has a range of useful factsheets, information for fathers and information about post-natal depression and its treatment.
39Mar 5, 2017
Information and resources to help children and young people deal with trauma, loss and grief. This New Zealand website also has information about local sources of counselling, training programmes and support groups.
40Mar 5, 2017
Information, resources and access to online and face-to-face training in trauma, loss and grief. This Australian website aims to support children who experience difficulty within their family, at school, or as part of a wide-scale disaster such as ...